Born by revolutionLensoviet (The Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies) — the power supreme body in territory of Leningrad. Under the Constitution of RSFSR the deputies, selected by national voting, made the Decisions legally equivalent to laws, them executed and supervised execution of own decisions by officials of official bodies and citizens. Thus theoretically all power belonged to Council, to people's deputies. Therefore we also write that Lensoviet – the power supreme body, and not just the supreme body of the representative power how followed to specify if in Russia till 1990 was real division of the authorities established like in civilised countries of the West.
Actually the power in a city (and in all country) belonged to party structures - the party-business nomenclature. Threat: «The Deputy mandate will be taken away!» - in some work of art or historical the document as it seems to me, it is not mentioned. And words: «The Party-membership card you will give back!» - sound in our memory so more often and more threatening.
The beginning of Lensoviet was in 1917. Back then this representative body of the people which have risen against autocracy was called Petrosoviet. It was called also Petrosoviet by last two years of existence, later 76 years after a birth. Is not that surprising?
Petrograd Council of worker's and soldier's deputies (Petrograd council, Petrosoviet) — the body spontaneously created in Petrograd on February 27, 1917 in days of February revolution. The Petersburg council of worker's deputies existed earlier in 1905, but the direct predecessor of the Petrograd council, born in 1917, was the Working Group of the Central military-industrial committee created by Mensheviks in November, 1915.
In the morning on February 27th a management of the Central Working Group created by Mensheviks in 1915, arrested month earlier, had been released from the Peter and Paul Fortress by a revolutionary soldiers. Then elections of working deputies have been declared this day. The meeting has taken place on the Tavricheskaya Square, and on it was present from 300 to 500 persons. "Izvestiya" newspaper had been selected as official publication. The next day plenary session passed where representatives of factories of a city had been elected, and also participation of soldier's representatives was confirmed officially. As a result in Petrograd council about 3000 deputies had been elected, of whom the majority was soldiers.
It is necessary to underline that, considering the capital status of Petrograd in 1917, Council formation has influenced moods of all Russian empire. Hence Petrosoviet was conceived as the people's power supreme body in Russia!
Then the Executive committee – Board – (Ispolcom) had been generated. Only representatives of concrete socialist parties could be members of Executive committee. The initial structure of Executive committee included 15 persons. Heads: the chairman — N.S.Chheidze, its assistants (companions of the chairman) — the Menshevik-Party member M.I.Skobelev and social-revolutionary A.F.Kerensky (all three members of IV State Duma).
At one time in the Executive committee I.V.Dzhugashvili (a Communist Party pseudonym – Stalin) also worked.
On March 1, 1917 the Board decided not to participate in government created by the Interim Committee of the State Duma. On March 2 (March 15) Petrosoviet created supervisory committee whose purpose was to track policy of the Provisional Government.
Parallel existence of the Provisional Government and Petrograd Soviet created a situation that has been called "dual power". The existence of dual power was supported through diplomacy by Allied Powers who had sent their representatives to negotiate with the Petrograd Soviet. Thus, the Petrograd Soviet de facto was recognized by the Allies as the legitimate authority throughout the country.
The Provisional Government during the summer of 1917 was losing credibility among the population, and the Soviet city, as a representative body, strengthened its position. During the Kornilov revolt it was arming of the workers under the control of Petrograd that helped to defeat the professional military and that greatly diminished the power of the Provisional Government.
In the elections of August 20, 1917 Bolsheviks gained one third of seats to a Petrograd Council elections. On 25 September the Bolsheviks had already overwhelming majority in Petrograd Council, and it become possible to elect Leon Trotsky as its head.
The October Revolution of 1917 transformed the Petrosovyet into the supreme power in the city. But to manage the entire country was formed another body - the Council of People's Commissars. 17 (30) November 1917 was when the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet created departments in charge of different sectors of urban economy. After moving of Soviet government to Moscow in March 1918, the Petrosoviet was renamed Petrograd labor commune, the Board performed the functions of the Council of commissioners, departments of the Board converted to the Commissioners (education, finance, propaganda and the press, Urban Development, Justice, Food, Military District, for national economy, social welfare, communications).
During the Civil War the Soviet worked on supply of the the city with food and fuel, led the fight against epidemics, after the war was engaged in the restoration of urban and industrial sectors.
On January 26, 1924 in connection with the renaming of Petrograd to Leningrad, the Soviet of the city was renamed to Leningrad City Council (Lensoviet).
Since February 1917 the Soviet located in the Tavricheskii Palace, in August 1917 - in the Smolny. Since 1945 Lensoviet was based at the Mariinsky Palace.
The beginning of the democratic elections of deputies dates back to period of realization of guarantees of so-called «Stalin Constitution» of the USSR, adopted in 1936. Albeit under the control of the party it began to accustom people to the general election. However, it should be recalled, that in the ballot for a long time was present only one candidate endorsed by the party apparatus. Still the vote has already been allowed to all, without exception. And, in principle, allowed to delete the official candidate and enter the other person. But the lists of voters have made everyone Passport-holders intending to vote. So that the turnout in some polling stations exceeded 100 percent. For example, on Stalin's polling station in Moscow flocked from all over the country's romani citizens and visitors wishing to please the leader of the power at the polls.
In December 1939, Leningrad’s Soviet (Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies) was renamed the Leningrad City Soviet of People's Deputies. And since 1977, after the adoption of the «Brezhnev constitution», called the Council of People's Deputies. So sound more democratic.
In World War II Lensoviet was actually subordinate to the Military Council of the Leningrad Front, organized the defense of construction on the outskirts of Leningrad, the translation industry in the manufacture of weapons, etc.
In the 2-nd half of 1940 and early 1950 the main efforts of the Leningrad City Council was focused on rebuilding the city.
Up until the XXI convocation, even in the late 80's, during the "perestroika", Lensoviet maintains its status as the People's Assembly of the best (in the opinion of the Communist Party) representatives of Leningrad peoples.
The Soviet system, developed in the USSR, was largely declarative and decorative. Not everything that was written on paper was allowed the Soviets. And written things were a surprisingly nice and democratic. For example, it is a quote from the volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1976 edition. «The Soviets of People's Deputies, the Soviets in the USSR elected, is a representative body of state power. According to the Soviet Constitution (Article 3) all power in the USSR belongs to the workers in town and country in the face of the Soviets of People's Deputies. All other organs of the Soviet state derive their authority either directly or ultimately from the Soviets. Councils of People's Deputies are «the basis of the socialist state and the most complete embodiment of its democratic character ...» (Proceedings of XXIV Congress of the CPSU, 1971).»
Principles of formation of the deputiesIn Soviet times, the formation of Councils of all levels - this sets the actual power party-buseness-nomenclature - was carried out by a people’s voting. Yet the elections this procedure can be called only conditionally. The ballot includes only one candidate, whose identity has been carefully checked by party organs.
Can not but mention the real «representativeness» of the Leningrad Soviet in that era. Party committees were selected to be the people's representatives of citizens on the proportional principle: a certain number of young and old, so many scientists, so many workers, a certain percentage of the intelligents and the non-party-members, but basically, the Communists, Komsomol members, clerks of Leningrad City Executive Committee and government agencies.
In the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies of «Stalin» time every two years over a thousand members was elected. That was really representative collection! An election becomes habitual seasonal affair of the people.
For example:
Information from city election commission on elections
of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies
December 21, 1947
City Election Commission said final results of the election results in the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies on Dec. 21, 1947. In the city of Leningrad was created 1.027 constituencies for elections to the City Council of People's Deputies. According to final data received from district electoral commissions, in the voting 99.93 percent of the total number of voters participated. In all of the 1.027 constituencies for the elections in the Leningrad City Soviet of People's Deputies for the candidates of the bloc of Communists and non-party votes 99.17 percent of the total number of voters who participated in the vote. According to district election commissions, election of all 1.027 nominated candidates registered as the City Council of People's Deputies. All elected MPs are candidates for the Stalinist bloc of Communists and non-party people. Leningrad City Election Commission on the basis of Art. 53 of «Regulations on the elections in territorial, regional, county, district, city and village Soviets of People's Deputies of the RSFSR» having examined the material for each electoral district, registered deputies elected to the Leningrad City Council in all 1.027 election districts of the city of Leningrad.In the Leningrad City Council at «Brezhnev's times» sat 600 members, elected for 2.5 years (XXI convocation - 400 deputies). Sessions held about twice a year for 1-2 days. All the solutions were already in the form of agreed projects. Deputies were there to nap during the fiscal report, to vote simultaneous by show of red booklets, eat cheap, but commonly scarce food in the dining room of Ispolkom (Board). By the way, no one called the Mariinsky Palace as Leningrad City Council, because of respecting only a permanent Board of Leningrad City Council.
To become a member of the Leningrad City Council considered an honorable recognition of loyalty and trustworthiness of the ruling party apparatus. And the play itself with the pre-election meetings and canvassing from door to door and work shops, with the incredible voter turnout, already bursting crowds from 6 am to support the candidate of the «indestructible bloc of Communists and non-party-people» was a scene like «bride theft» of your favorite comedy «The Caucasian Captive». And it sunk into our consciousness: on the elections must go and vote just for one candidate. Otherwise, there will be trouble at work, at school, there is a risk for career advancement. Which of the then leaders would dare to promote a man, who was ignoring such elections or was taking time off from the march on Saturday Works or May Day, if not worse: the November demonstration? And what were those events? Now students do not know about these events. These things are forgotten by adults too. Is it fortunately or trouble?
For many years bureaucratic election scenario was not changing. Before the next elections the party functionary of the Leningrad City Council carefully calculated future convocation in many ways, and then descends order within the labor collectives. The same functionaries in the Communist Party committees of enterprises continued selection work. [7, p.363]. And came in 1977, directive to rejuvenate the Soviets, and now in the XIII convening quite different proportions. Really, this is to change their preferences themselves in Leningrad? Rejuvenated ... reduced, however, not «bosses», who are aged, but middle-aged candidates, who has not reached the high ranks.
The table below shows the composition of the deputies Lensovet XXI convocation in comparison with the composition of the previous convocation.
We see that the Council of XXI convocation had sharply reduced the number of female deputies, as well as young people. Representatives of the party nomenclature and managers of all enterprises and organizations, there were quite a bit. They failed to gain the confidence and favor of voters in the spring of 1990. Why did this happen? Analysts believe that in 1990, those who strongly suggested that the real (more precisely, the original) ways of solving problems of food supply, housing, improve living standards of citizens, opening the way to Lensoviet [7, p.374]. Democrats, mainly having the abundant vegetation on the face, were destined to win. Some even grow beards at election time, disguised as dissidents. Strength of the Democrats, it seemed, was not even in the firmness and clarity of position, but the fact that people hated rosy-cheeks partocrats [10]
The failure of reputable candidates from the Communist witnessed a deep and widespread discontent of Communist party in Leningrad, which declared for seventy years of its unity with the people, oppressing and destroying it. The vast majority of the deputies entered the city Council under the slogan of the People Front and allied social movements [7].
Reduction in the proportion of youth, women, workers, and «respected people» (the Party and economic leaders of high rank) in Lensoviet of XXI convocation, the increase in the number of intellectuals with university education, all this has caused a sharp contrast of the resulting authority of all its predecessors. Being at home and at work newly MPs differed greatly from the conditions of life and spheres of communication of deputies of former years. But no one denies the Marxist formula that being determines consciousness of the individual. That was Lensoviet of XXI convocation, thinking very differently than the previous convocation.
Now, I suppose, it becomes clear why only in 1990 in Leningrad has a real acting representative body of government - democratic Lensoviet (St.-Petersburg City Council), who worked from 1990 to 1993. Because of the Leningrad City Council of XXI convocation was formed on the elections, which were constructed with three minor differences from previous elections of past years. Differences between a «minor» and which lucky for us, who are deputies of Leningrad Soviet, and do not realize, perhaps, until now, that such luck falls in the life of most people only once.
Party nomenclature in the form of the experiment allowed in some places to make of several candidates for the nomination of one district, which in itself was curious, and promised the competition for the minds of voters. Secondly, there was no pre-selection of candidates by party authorities or the district meeting of voters. To nominate was not very difficult. Finally, there was «glasnost». All the media while still controlled by party censors, but able to publish all sorts of agitation, for example, the list of candidates endorsed by the bloc of the democratic public of Leningrad.
In addition, any material inequality of candidates, which today legitimized, in 1990 were not tolerated. Financing of election activities of all candidates was made by a district election commission; all with equally strict accountability and trade checks for spent the people’s money by the candidates. Any seen in the area «left leaflets», for example, made on copiers under the jurisdiction of the candidate-chief, may have caused disqualification of the said candidate from the ballot. Public closely monitored events! And any student or a fireman easily competed with the director of «Gostiny Dvor» or the powerful Secretary of the Communist ruling party, and, as a rule, prevailed over them in the elections in the spring of 1990. It is true, from this book the reader learns that in the Leningrad City Council of XXI convocation were mainly well-educated citizens of Leningrad, intellectuals, military officers, high heads. According to their beliefs - democracy, they - the «bosses», professors, doctors, and teachers - stood guard over the interests of cooks, firemen and students.
Elected as supplements to «superiors and literates» some «stokers and students», in turn, worked faithfully in the hope of a quick revival of the city and country. It is safe to say that it was in 1990 in our city marked the beginning of a real parliamentary era. And the beginning of the Leningrad City Council of XXI convocation we are rightly called
Lensoviet of XXI convocation worksLater in the book there are several options for detailed recollections and research on the Leningrad City Council of XXI convocation. And here let us dwell briefly only on the highlights.
First elected in free elections held in two rounds, 4 and 18 March 1990, Lensoviet of XXI convocation was the first in Russia representative bodies where members of the bloc of democratic forces «Democratic Elections – 90» had an absolute majority - about 2/3 in the Council containing 400 seats in parliament for MPs. Around 120 members of Leningrad Soviet were members of the Leningrad People Front - informal community of citizens and the most massive political organization in Russia in 1989-91, respectively. Over the next three and a half years City Council determined the life of the Northern Capital of Russia.
Work of Lensoviet of XXI convocation was led by his Presidency, formed from the chairs of parliamentary committees, approved by universal suffrage at the first session, which lasted several months and was broadcast live on the Leningrad television and radio throughout the country. That was a bad idea, as clear now after many years. Long discussions and all sorts of obscure viewers procedural hitches are inevitable, as we now know, in the construction of a truly democratic parliament, and soon Leningrad people became bored and annoyed with them, and the most radical angered.
Democratic majority of Lensoviet elected as chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council deputy of the USSR Altxander Schelkanov, and his first deputy was appointed Anatoly Chubais, as a representative group of independent economists, which were closely related to deputy P.Filippov (Chairman of the Commission Leningrad City Council for Industry) and S.Vasiliev (Chairman of the Leningrad City Council on Economic Reform). Chubais, in turn, led to work in the Committee on Economic Reform, created by him, D.Vasilyev, M.Manevich, A.Miller, A.Kudrin, I.Yuzhanov and others who are major figures in modern Russia. Yet the foundation of the Board consists of experienced business executives, headed by First Deputy A.Bolshakov. What we have said is yet another confirmation of revolutionary role of Lensoviet of XXI convocation. Is in a different, not a revolutionary epoch, sergeants can overnight become generals and marshals? A junior researcher, thirty years of age professionals in economy of developed socialism, in his native Soviet Union would never be rulers of the country. The maximum that was acceptable for these people, doctorate and vegetate on any department to old age.
In organizational terms, the work of the Leningrad City Council in the intervals between sessions, was built through the activities of permanent and temporary committees and commissions. In this case, there was a well-known specialization of political groups within the City Council. For example, a fraction on the platform of the People Front of Leningrad (LPF) (radical reformers on the mental attitude) had focused its work around the activities of Inter-Commission Committee on the property, and the fraction «March» (moderate liberals) - the committees on local government and environment. Most of the other key committees headed by remaining as a result of outside of the LPF fractions Member: Planning and Budgeting – A.Belyaev, Food - M.Salie, Industry – P.Filipov, culture – G.Lebedev.
Commissions of Lensoviet effectively communicated with relevant bodies of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council and then mayor of St.-Petersburg, which is determined by the fact that Lensoviet possessed according to the Constitution all the control and personnel authority until the abolition of any of the committees or the removal of controls useless for this clerk, according to deputies opinion. This has helped the city to lower hazards when Moscow and other major cities went through the most difficult time of economic reform - 1991-1993. Lensoviet actually provided in the city free enterprise, along with freedom demonstrations, and not instead of it, thus preserving the relative civil peace in the city during all the years of its operation. Relatively painless the city council and created by it Property Fund of St.-Petersburg had organized a small (in rubles) and a check(«voucher») privatization of municipal enterprises.
Formed in early 1992, the Small Council of the St. Petersburg City Council replaced the Bureau of the City Council (Presidency), as a representative government constantly running in between sessions of a «large body» of the Council. Small Council, in an amount of 38 deputies, was formed by secret vote at City Council. Almost all of them represented by two Democratic factions «LPF» and «March», which together, though they have less than a hundred votes in the 380 deputies of the City Council, but by the consolidated vote on key issues provided the direction of democratic vector in the City Council, especially as there were no specific differences in the views from non-fractional members of the LPF and other democratic deputies on most.
Unlike the Bureau the Small Council consisted mainly in the fact that the sessions of City Council were not required to approve decisions of the Small Council, which had the right to review and resolve any issues except those that were attributed to the exclusive jurisdiction of the «Big Council» (for example, the statement City budget or removal from office of Mayor). Decisions of the Presidium was to be approved by the Council. On the other hand, the Council could overrule any decision of the Small Council, which has happened only once in the most dramatic period of history of Leningrad City Council. On this exceptional event as described in detail in the book.
MPs of LPF, not included in the two mentioned above fractions, grouped mainly around the figure of the second and the last chairman of the Leningrad City Council – A.N.Belyaev. Under his leadership, Council gradually became both a place of sharp, but fruitful discussions, and a clear working mechanism of democratic decision-making necessary for the development of the city. In particular, these social demands, as the release of pensioners from the payment of public transport, and such technically challenging, as Russia's first officially approved method of property valuation and determining the level of rent for residential premises.
Peak of democratic unity in the work of the Leningrad City Council began the events of August 19-21, 1991, on which Leningrad Soviet, headed by its new chairman, A.N.Belyaev, reacted very quickly and efficiently, taking a stand against the State Emergency Committee and organized several thousand residents to protest against the coup. And in these days the Leningrad City Council efforts were joined by Mayor A.Sobchak, urgently returned from Moscow, and Head of the police, and even many members of Lenigrad Emergency Committee, such as Chairman of the Regional Council Y.F.Yarov and Vice-Mayor admiral V.Shcherbakov. They, incidentally, did not give their consent to their inclusion in LEC . At this time, the deputies Democrats, and many communists, and most residents work together resolute and brave.
And the end of the unity of democratic forces were the events of September-October 1993, when the deputies of the Democratic majority differed in assessing the infamous Presidential Decree №1400 (the termination of the Congress of People's Deputies and Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, as well as all local authorities - district councils) and its consequences. Lensoviet was dissolved on Dec. 21, 1993 by Yeltsin’s decree №2252.
In 1994, elections were held in the new legislative and representative body - the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.
A few words about the features of the Leningrad City Council as a society should be said. This mass of people, gathered in the Mariinsky Palace by will of the all people, proud and humble, aggressive and meek, disinterested and lovers of gold, has unique qualities.
In the absence of the guiding and directing external force Lensoviet demonstrated ability to organize themselves.
At the Leningrad City Council did not have a clear program of action, but MPs have expressed a vivid ability to adapt to the harsh conditions of the early 90's. In response to the hostile challenges of the time deputies created a temporary committee, changed the structure of the Leningrad City Council, establish new bodies and the elements within the executive branch.
Lensoviet was in constant confrontation with the party-business nomenclature, the most influential layer of Soviet society. Community members became the medium for the birth and growth of the new elite, and not only the city but also throughout the country.
Lensoviet activities contributed to the destruction of Soviet taboo in Soviet society, the abolition of the old morals and traditions. We replaced the slogan of the party bureaucracy, «What is not allowed by boss - that is forbidden» liberal «Can do anything not prohibited by law and will not harm others.»
Lensoviet was the center for government thinking and policy ideas that go far beyond the walls of the Mariinsky Palace in space and facing the future generations in time.
In the papers and articles by the authors of the book the reader will find confirmation of these five theses.